

There is a scripture in Isaiah 49:16 that reads, “Your walls are continually before Me.”

I have been feeling a bit hemmed in lately. Impatient to break free and grumbling to God. After all, can’t He see that these walls are hindering me, hampering me? I am feeling cramped and want out! Sooner rather than later.

This morning as I went for my early morning walk – to try to beat the heat – I began to ponder again this idea that if He sees the walls and the frustration they bring to me, why won’t He take them down?  Set me free. Here I am trudging along with all of nature praising God – the trees with their limbs lifted high, the birds singing in an orchestral chorus – and I am one of His creators grumbling about what He isn’t doing in my life! Who do I think I am?

Then I began to ponder “walls”. Walls don’t just act as a barrier to keep us from being free – they protect us! Walls strengthen. Defend. Mark territory. In biblical days, a city without walls was exposed to great risk.

So these walls that I was grumbling about have been placed by God to protect, strengthen, defend and mark me as His own child. So I can praise Him for these walls…He is working to make me all that He wants me to be. The walls don’t hinder Him! My job  is to confess my grumbling, “murmuring”, and begin to trust His plans and purposes for my walls. He is protecting me – perhaps from myself!


8 replies
  1. Marilyn Orton
    Marilyn Orton says:


    Thank you for sharing these wonderful insights. I appreciate so much your honesty and transparency, that is so easy to identify with!

    God bless you.

    much love and prayers,

    Marilyn Orton

  2. Bob
    Bob says:

    Thank you Ruth , for another encouraging blog . I always find something in them to lift the heart in praise to God. You mention about the walls being a protection, The verse also says , Behold , I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands .
    What a beautiful thought,

  3. Hope Moen
    Hope Moen says:

    Your words about the walls really spoke to me, Ruth. I have been feeling very much like that too. Summer is here, I’ve been working very hard as a school music teacher all year and I’d like to head up to Cape Breton, but need to be here with my 21 year old and my husband who has liitle vacation from his work.

    I have been reading your book–again–about the “heartached” people in the pews. It is excellent.

    The Lord Jesus bless and enable you and your wonderful family.
    Hope Moen


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