Should Evangelicals Condemn Homosexuals?
It seems that the issue of homosexuality has been front and center – of politics, healthcare, churches…almost everywhere.
I think it is a smokescreen meant to divide.
Especially in the Church. I saw it happen in my own local church. The issue thrown around which got everyone all riled up was “homosexuality” but that wasn’t the real issue. Since everyone was all stirred up, they couldn’t see the real issue. It was very sad but it is happening all over this country in many and varied ways.
I don’t believe the role of politics is to rewrite history or undermine traditional values. I don’t think government should be in my medical file or overrule my doctor’s educated wisdom of my care. The Churches’ main concern is for the Gospel – in all areas. The Gospel is good news for personal faith and salvation. It brings good news to politics as people are drawn together to solve problems honestly and with equity. It brings good news to health care as it leads the way in mercy.(There was no concern for the poor and infirmed before the Gospel.) But its business is not condemnation. The Gospel is good news for sinners of every stripe and shape.
“Run, John, run, the law commands
But gives me neither feet nor hands.
Far grander news the Gospel brings.
It bid me fly and gives me wings.”
John Erskine or John Bunyan