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Send the Crowds Away

In Matthew 14 there is a phrase that says, “He dismissed the crowd”.

Jesus had been teaching and preaching. Busy. Wanting to minister. That was His purpose but He dismissed the crowd.

No doubt He knew their need and the pressing issues. No doubt He knew the schedule and how late it was. No doubt He knew the expectations folks had of Him. Yet He dismissed the crowd. Why? Because His priorities were in order. His frist priority was His relationship with His Father. He knew He needed time with His Father. If He did, how much more do I?

It makes me think of the crowds in my life – the schedules, expectations, needs…Do I dismiss them? Send them away? No. I keep slogging on trying to meet the needs, keep the time-table and meet expectations until I am burned out, worn down, exhausted. Jesus didn’t do that. His work was far more urgent and important than mine…but He saw it necessary to dismiss the crowds so He could spend time alone with His Father.

If Jesus needed to send the crowds away…how much more do I? Phone calls, schedules, worries, anxious thoughts, expectations, obligations, needs…oh brother! dismiss the crowd – focus on what is important – vital.

This week I am trying to remind myself to “dismiss the crowd”.

Try it and let me know what happens!

0 replies
  1. Jeanne
    Jeanne says:

    Thank you Ruth for this timely message. I am so overwhelmed with work and distractions and interruptions from my staff and in my personal life I have been working for years to bring out a new product to sell and fund ministry projects and I should finally have something to sell in November, but I have not been functioning very well. I am kind of frozen seeing so many tasks to do but not knowing where to start. I do need to “dismiss the crowd” and not take on so many burdens of others, but I care so much for other people that my heart goes out to them and then my tasks suffer. I need to find a way to do it all and will pray for God’s strength and wisdom. Reading your blog really helped me tonight. Thank you, Jeanne

      • Jeanne
        Jeanne says:

        Thanks so much for the prayers Ruth. I prayed for you now for God to give you strength and for your product to be released on time and with a special blessing for all who receive it.

  2. Berta Dickerson
    Berta Dickerson says:

    Ruth, I “dismissed” my study groups, committees, etc., after I’d pushed my body past it’s threshold. Broken, I turned to God’s agenda. I continue to write and do some counseling, though from my bed now. I have accomplished little, but I am blessed to be able to continue in His grace.


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