
With family arriving, laundry to be done, meals planned and fixed, loose ends tied together, children under foot, good smells emanating from the kitchen, noise and messes it must be a family gathering.

For some it is time of dread. Family relationships are strained, quarrels have never been settled. Jealousy arises. Fighting breaks out. Or someone is holed up in another room drinking too much. This, too, can be family gathering.

For some it is tinged with sadness. There is an empty place at the table. By death. Or a move. Or divorce. Or sickness. Or any number of losses. This Thanksgiving will be different.

 Different is different. We can’t try to make it look like it used to be, because it isn’t. It is different and we adapt.

One good way to adapt is to be grateful for everyday. Even on the bleakest days, there is something we can be grateful for. Like breathing – being able to breathe is a blessing.

There used to be an old hymn, “Count Your Blessings.” The chorus went like this: “Count your blessings, name them one by one; Count your blessings, see what God hath done.”

What blessings will you count?

I know, after my surgeries last year, it is a blessing to be able to get out of bed on my own. Simple but very true. And again, since my surgeries, my good health is a blessing. My children and their children are blessings. They now bring me joy! It wasn’t always the case but, as I told someone the other day, I have lived long enough to like my children! That is a HUGE blessing! But the best blessing of all is knowing I have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus!

I encourage you take time to count your blessings this Thanksgiving and every day. Perhaps start a gratitude list.

Happy Thanksgiving!



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