The Unrelateableness of God
Recently I was thinking about my relationship with God. (And I am thinking out loud here…) I confess I sometimes treat Him too casually. I find Him easier to related to than Jesus – perhaps because I have such a loving earthly father.
But anyway, I was thinking about it in contrast to what the scripture says about His awesomeness. He is awesome in His terrible power. I cannot treat Him casually. God is not my “buddy”. He does not fit into my back pocket.
God is holy. Majestic. Magnificent. In Heaven, all in His presence fall down and worship. That is some Presence! The heavenly hosts cry, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty.” He is eternal – He is not affected or bound by time. He created all things. He has dominion over all things. Glory and honor, and power are His.
When Moses was at the burning bush God told him to take off his sandals because the very ground was holy. When Moses asked to see God’s glory, God said, “I, Myself will make My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you; and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will show compassion on whom I will show compassion. But He said, you cannot see my face, for no man can see Me and live.” God told Moses that he could not see His face. God put Moses in the cleft of a rock, covered Moses with His hand as His glory passed by. Once it passed, He removed His hand and Moses could see God’s back, not His face. God was being gracious and compassionate to Moses.
We are told that God and Moses spoke “face to face” as friends. Is that a contradiction? I think not. It is referring to relationship not exhibition.
How do I relate God? There is no way I can relate. It is only through Jesus that I can have a relationship with God.
But I am intrigued that in response to Moses wanting to see God’s glory, God talks about His goodness. Jesus told the rich young ruler, “There is only One who is good…” Goodness is central to God’s character. He, indeed, would be terrifying in His power and dominion (cruel and capricious) if He were not good. The apex of His goodness is Jesus. God also told Moses that He would proclaim the name of the Lord. How important is that name! It is a name not to be trifled with or used casually. We hear so much “OMG!” today. We have no idea what we are saying…He is the King and Lord of Heaven and earth…
I was at a church meeting last year when one of the denominational leaders said “Allah ” is just another name for God. That is absolutely not true. God’s name is above all names. As is His character.
Our love for God as “father” is only possible through Christ.
This may seem a bit rambling…I am developing my thoughts…but I know God only through Jesus. I am deeply humbled that God has chosen me in His Son and grateful to Jesus for dying on the Cross for my sins. How wonderfully good is all that!
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