Christmas gift ideas
Christmas shopping is becoming more and more difficult as I try to think of things that might fit into my budget – which is shrinking as I write – and for people who really don’t need anything. Not to mention the expense of mailing packages. What I did last year and am increasing this year is giving a donation to a charity in the name of my friends. The charity then sends me a card I can send out to notify my friends of the gift this does 2 things. It lets my cherished friends know that I have not forgotten them – far from it – but remembered them in a meaningful way and also helps the charity increase their data base. 2 for 1 – can’t beat that!
Last year I decided my grandchildren got far more than they needed and not wanting to foster this “me, me, me” attitude I gave them a catalogue from a charity I support with a check for $25 made out to that charity. So on Christmas night they could sit down when all the hoopla was over and “shop” for someone else. It wasn’t the most popular gift under their tree but I am praying it might make the most lasting impression. Jesus said that it was “better to give than receive”.
I am sure you know of charities this year that could use a little extra help. This is a great way to do that. Have fun!
I just discovered Ruth Graham thru her book “Fear Not Tomorrow”…..and I am so overtaken with her I wanted to express myself. I was saved at the Billy Graham New York crusade in 1957!! The BIG one!!! This past year, my husband and I went to The Cove and heard Howard Hendricks. The Cove was alllll that we had hoped it would be, and MORE!! I chose to read this book because I have done a cross stitch of that saying and I wanted to see what Ruth had to say about it. Come to find out, her Mom had the same saying in her home. I just LOVE all the Grahams as does everyone. I owe my eternal destiny to her Dad. Thank you for this book and for your life. In Him, Carol Trent
Thank you for telling me of your conversion experience at the ’57 NYC crusade. I went to that crusade – it was my first. I was 6 years old and about all I can remember were the huge crowds and seeing Ethel Waters in the choir. Anytime I went to a crusade it was an amazing experience. I was always moved – even when I see it on televsion now – by the people who respond to the invitation to accept Christ personally. From a natural point of view there is nor reason why a person sitting in the stands would get up and go to the front just because some man on a platform invited them to do so. It was clearly the moving of God’s Spirit!
I am so glad you responded to the Spirit’s prompting!
I do want my father to preach one more time.
Yes, I am sure Mother’s little plaque saying was not original. The truth is profound. Someone recently wrote to me to tell me there is a song out by that title. So the news is speading! We don’t need to fear tomorrow – God is already there!!