Above Our Means
I am writing at my desk as my oldest daughter is in the kitchen homeschooling 2 very reluctant children that would rather be playing outside. Their negative persistence is remarkable as is her positive patience! It illustrates for me this truth:
The world is in turmoil. (Just like my grandchildren!) That is not really new. The speed with which the world is changing is new – and can be frightening.
The US President just reversed the policy of not negotiating with terrorists, releasing 5 dangerous men; a US Marine languishes in jail in Mexico; little girls are deciding they want to be boys and parents post the story on Facebook; veterans are dying as they await medical treatment; an ambassador is brutalized and killed in the line of duty; we find it hard to believe what the government and the President say; energy and food costs are climbing, as is the jobless rate… Rather a grim picture.
But we have treasures. We have promises.
The Apostle Paul wrote in II Corinthians 1:20, “All the promises of God in him (Jesus) are yes and in him (Jesus) Amen, unto the glory of God by us…”
The Amplified Bible says it this way: “For as many as are the promises of God, they all find their Yes (answer) in Him (Christ). For this reason we also utter the Amen (so be it) to God through Him – that is His Person and by His agency – to the glory of God.”
Ponder that a bit. All the promises – as many as there are. How many is that?
All the promises are answered affirmatively in Jesus.
We have the opportunity to put those promises into operation in our lives to the glory of God and His purposes. As we cooperate with Christ and God’s promises a whole treasure trove opens to us!
Think of the many promises of grace, peace, mercy, rest, strength, encouragement, forgiveness, protection, supply…you name it. It is all found in Jesus affirmatively. Not for our pleasure or ease but for the glory of God – the whole reason we are here on earth.
As we claim and operate in those promises we enter into a realm of God’s glory. A purpose far greater than anything known here on earth. We have the opportunity to walk in the heavenlies with saints and angels even while living out our lives here on earth in the midst of the turmoil. (Just like my daughter.) Talk about living above your means!
We don’t have in ourselves the means for peace, joy, grace, forgiveness, rest, strength, mercy, protection, encouragement, protection, supply…we’re bankrupt. He isn’t. He gives all we need for free!
My daughter is able to teach with patience and good humor because she goes to the treasury of God’s promises in the Person of Jesus and claims liberally all that He offers for her for practical everyday living.
It’s all available for you, too.
Thank you for reminding us of God’s unfailing promises Ruth, if ever Christians need encouragement, it is in the days in which we live . Thank you !