2 Year Olds in Prison follow up
I have wanted to report back to you about my friend’s trip to Uganda and his ministry to those there. Especially the children in “remand centers” – which are really prisons. My friend and his team came back safely but weary.
Though lengthy, this is worth reading. I pray your heart will break as you see the photos and read the stories. But also that you will rejoice at the light of God that shined through this ministry into a very dark place. The needs are overwhelming but we know God’s grace is even more so.
They did have a short-fall financially of $2800. If after reading this report you’d like to contribute I would suggest you do so. The address is contained in the report.
Thank you.
My tears escaped when I made it to the little boy whose out-turned eye was corrected. God moved through the hands of these willing doctors. It’s a reminder that gifts given to us by God, and then surrendered back to Him, always reach their mark.
Ruth, you blessed me greatly by urging Dr. Chad Hawk and me to get together. We met in Castle Rock last week for breakfast, which was a marvelous time of sharing God’s love for the world as we’ve both experienced it in our mission work in Aftrica and India respectively. What a dear brother in Christ and faithful man of God. Anyone who goes on one of his mission trips will be edified and deeply encouraged in his own faith. It was then a double treat when you blogged the link to Dr. Chad’s report. Thanks, and God bless you!
I knew you’d be kindred spirits. Wish I could have been there with you. Love you both.