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Reverse Direction

This morning I helped deliver Meals on Wheels with other members of my church – we take the month of January for delivery. I was paired with a terrific lady and it has been fun to get to know each other during these weeks. Since I have a station wagon, I drove while she navigated then both of us would get out to deliver the meals at the various homes or apartments.

We went to an area of town my Mother used to call, “the gentle side of town”. These folks appear to have been worn down by life, tired. They are grateful for what we bring. To be honest, today, it didn’t look very appetizing: sort of an orange colored piece of meat with a side of gray-green butter beans, a small carton of milk and a piece of bread – maybe a fruit though I didn’t see it.

Since the forecast is for snow we took an extra meal – something canned and prepackaged. Like I said, not very appetizing.

It takes a lot of work to get those meals out the door to each home. The ladies in the kitchen get up early each day to cook and have the meals hot for us when we arrive at 10:45. It takes organization to know who gets what taking into consideration dietary needs. It also takes patience to figure out the routes for each group. And each week there are some whose meals have to be held for whatever reason but we need to know which ones. Then we have to have the addresses…it is quite a job…they do it day after day, week after week, month after month.

But anyway, today we had a new person on the route. My partner grew up in town so I relied on her to tell me where to go…she relied on her memory of who this person was and where he lived. A couple of times that did not work so well and I had to back up or turn around. She apologized. I told her, “That’s why I have a reverse gear.”

When we went on our way, I thought about that. God has given us a “reverse gear” in life. (This is not a theological treatise!) When we are going in the wrong direction what do we do? Assess the situation and recognize we are in the wrong place. We are not where we intended or want to be. We have to stop. Then we have to turn around. Often that means putting it into reverse.

There is nothing wrong with that. As a matter of fact, there is a lot right with that! We all make mistakes and need to turn around. To pretend that we don’t will mean we get into a bigger mess farther from where God wants us to be. Or to continue down the road thinking we can correct it later…Or think we can figure it out on our own…It will be more painful and harder to make the correction. Not impossible – nothing is impossible with God – but harder and more painful.

What if the Israelites had recognized their error sooner and changed direction…they wouldn’t have had to wander in the desert for 40 years!!

Ok. We assess where we are, recognize we are wrong and decide to change direction. We stop. What’s next?

Look for signposts to tell us where we are and where we want to go. Ask for directions. Get help. Then move forward in the right direction and continue! In time you will arrive at your intended destination.

Don’t waste time beating yourself up for making a mistake! We all do. God allows us to begin again! He restores us and sets us on the right path – no matter how far off track we go!

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Martin Luther King and My Father and Howard Jones

This is reprinted from Christian Broadcasting Network. It is important to revisit history for the events that helped shape our lives and determine our future. We must not forget nor fail to remember the truth of events.

Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. used to say that the most segregated hour in the country was on Sunday mornings at 11 a.m.

However, that all began to slowly change in 1952 when the Reverend Billy Graham made a decision to stop holding segregated crusades.

He faced an insurmountable amount of criticism for this decision, but with the guidance of King and other leaders such as Reverend Howard Jones – the first black evangelist – Graham changed the face of religion in America as we know it.

The year was 1953. America’s borders were filled with racial tension and uncertainty.

Graham was sailing uncharted territory when he did the unthinkable. He held a crusade in Chattanooga, Tennessee where hundreds of thousands of men, women and children of all races sat together and worshiped the Lord.

“When God looks at you, He doesn’t look on the outward appearance; the Bible says He looks upon the heart,” Graham said. And he took his fight to end segregation to the streets.

Graham had been preaching at Madison Square Garden to thousands nightly, but very few blacks came. So, at the suggestion of a colleague, he asked Jones for help. Jones recommended that Graham take his message to the streets of New York, and that’s exactly what he did.

Jones said, “I decided I was never going to speak to anymore segregated audiences and he said, ‘I want it to be that way. He said, ‘What do you mean?’ I said ‘Go to Harlem.'”

Graham preached at Salem Methodist Church to thousands. The next week, he went to Brooklyn. And slowly, but surely, the crusades in New York became increasingly integrated.

Prominent singer Ethel Waters attended the event and re-dedicated her life to Christ.

Enter… Martin Luther King

Graham even invited his good friend King, to one of the events.

“We thank Thee this evening for the marvelous things that have been done in the city through the dynamic preaching of this evangelist. We ask Thee, oh God, to continue blessing him and give him power and authorities. divine influence,” King prayed.

Graham faced a flurry of criticism from both blacks and whites, but that did not deter him.

“Some whites wanted to know why you would fool around with these people. And some said if you’re going to integrate your team we will not support you. We will not give you money, so they used all kinds of pressures on him, but he said ‘I don’t care. I’m going to stick by my guns,'” Jones said.

On the black side, Graham found himself facing criticism that he wasn’t doing enough so support the black community and that he “didn’t speak enough about civil rights,” BGEA associate evangelist Dr. Ralph Bell said.

Graham went to King for advice.

Graham recounted his conversation with King: “Martin Luther King suggested to me that I stay in the South and hold integrated meetings and that he was going to take to the streets and that he would probably get killed in the streets. ‘But I don’t think you ought to because you are going to be able to do some things that I can’t and I’m going to be able to do some things you can’t, but we’re after the same objective.'”

And so he did, holding crusades from Arkansas to Alabama.

“So here we were with neighborhood after neighborhood after neighborhood in my state on the verge of violence, and yet tens of thousands of black and white Christians were there together in a football stadium,” recalled former President Bill Clinton.

“And when he issued the call at the end of this message, thousands came down holding hands, arm in arm crying,” Clinton said. “It was the beginning of the end of the old South in my home state. I will never forget it.”

He even went to South Africa preaching before an integrated audience in 1973.

Graham also worked closely with Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon – urging them to ensure equality for all.

“Then there’s the race problem, and it seems to me should be put in its proper perspective” Graham said. “It is a world problem… there is greater improvement being made in America than perhaps any great nation in the history of the world because we are at least attempting to solve the problem through understanding, through dialogue, through legislation.

In the end, Graham’s legacy is one that is filled with a message of love, togetherness, and unity.

Jones said, “I think Billy has proven the fact that in Christ there’s no east or west and no north or south. We just love Him.”

Graham said, “The human heart is the same the world over. Only Christ can meet the deepest needs of our world and our hearts. Christ alone can bring lasting peace — peace with God, peace among men and nations.”

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Taking it by Storm!

I’ll let Dennis Rodman be – for now. I am sure he will be releived!

I read, Romans 4:20, “He (Abraham) staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God.” along with Hebrews 11:6, “Without faith it is impossible to please God for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.”

What were the staggering promises of God to Abraham? Even though Abraham and Sarah were well past the childbearing years Abraham would have a son and be the father of many nations. Not only that, God was going to give him the land as far as he could see. He was to “walk about the land through its length and breadth; for I will give it to you.” (Genesis 13:17) Abraham was a nomad – wandering in the desert – he had no home to call his own much less a whole land with descendants. That ranks as a staggering promise! Unbelievable. But Abraham did not stagger. He believed God. Not only believed Him but gave glory – perhaps believing God is the best way to give Him glory. Why did Abraham believe? He had experience with God. He talked to God. There was a track record with God and Abraham.

While Abraham did not live to see the complete fulfillment of that promise, Abraham saw the beginning of it. We are still seeing the fulfillment of that staggering promise as we look at Israel today. (I know the Muslims descend from Abraham, too, through Ishmael.)

God personally established a covenant with Abraham. God does not forget or break His covenants. He does what He says He will do.

Even though the promise was real, Abraham’s descendants had to battle for every scrap of land, every city, every town, every village, every well, every pasture, every square inch. It was a struggle. It still is for them. Has any nation been so hated? Has any people been so persecuted? It is a struggle. The history of Israel and her people is a staggering history full of struggle and miracles.

It took determination. Will. Strategy. They didn’t get a free ride on that promise.

Matthew 11:12 says, “The kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” (KJV) We don’t drift into God’s promises. We are to be believing, intentional, committed, diligent. This isn’t stuff for sissies!

What is God’s promise for you this year? Are you prepared for Him to fulfill that promise in and through you? Are you willing to fight for it? Will you claim it and hang on? Does that scare you? That’s OK. I am sure Abraham had his moments…but Abraham never quit – never gave up. Oh, he came close: passing Sarah off as his sister twice and using Hagar as a surrogate. But God was bigger than all of Abraham’s efforts. God never went off course.

That should encourage us. God’s plans are never thwarted. His purpose keeps marching on through history…what an exciting history it is! Let’s hang on to the promises – regardless of what you are having to endure – stay in His Word, keep telling God how you feel. Talk honestly with Him. He is not afraid of your frustration with Him or your anger or your questions. Let Him hear it all. He invites us to be honest. He is bigger – so much bigger then anything we can throw at Him. And He loves us. God will see you through to the other side. He is faithful.

Let us be faithful and not stagger.

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Dennis Rodman – North Korea

Well…I don’t like to stick my neck out..but here I go…

Dennis Rodman’s citizenship should be revoked. He is a traitor. His behavior flaunts all that America stands for – he is asking for us to stand up and say, “Enough”. He and his ilk are asking, “When will you draw a line?” I say, “NOW”.

Dennis has made a reputation as a “bad boy” – but now he has crossed the line from bad taste to treason. He is singing “Happy Birthday” to one who vows to destroy Americans, not to mention his own countrymen, and executed his own uncle for political power. Kim Jung Un is a bad guy. Really bad guy. It is disgusting. He is starving his own people. Denying them basic human rights. Kim Jung Un is not to be tolerated – nor is Dennis Rodman.

Why do we tolerate this? I for one do not.

Dennis Rodman is not the one to be our ambassador. Many have worked hard, long hours to dialogue with North Korea; to establish a diplomatic relationship in order to ease the hardships now suffered bu the Korean people. Dennis Rodman makes it all so much more difficult. I call on President Obama to deny him re-entry into this country. He has crossed the line. Let him live in North Korea if he loves it so much and is such a close friend of Kim Jung Un. I wonder how long his bad boy antics would last in such a repressive country.

Dennis…stay there!

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I happened to listen to an interesting conversation between two men over New Year’s. They used a word I was not familiar with: “prepper”, as in someone who is prepared for hard times – be it war, natural disaster or terrorism attack – a survivalist. The conversation was sparked by the book, One Second After, by William Forstchen. I have not read it yet but apparently it is about the United States being brought to its knees by electronic terrorists. The plot is quite plausible.

These two discussed the need to have guns with plenty of ammunition, foodstuffs to carry you through…being self-sufficient. I listened and asked a few questions. Neither of these men is on the “fringe” of society. They are believers. They said we’d have to have a car built before 1975 because that’s when the electronics were first introduced in cars.

I am not unfamiliar with the idea of being prepared for disaster…Years go when I lived in Texas, there was the same kind of discussion. There were programs where you could buy food that lasted for many years for a certain price. The Mormon Church sells food products that can be stored for long periods of time. I know I stored water, cans of tuna and rice during the Y2K non-event. I hear on the radio that we need gold and silver coins “just in case” – to be safe.

Later, I looked on the Internet to see what was being said about food storage and preparedness! Whoa! There is a lot! Lots of survival guides. Hundreds of blogs on the subject. Which ones are trustworthy?

King Solomon said, “Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest. How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man.”” (Proverbs 6:6-10) So…

Do we build a theology on one passage? Where does trusting God come in? If I store food but my neighbor does not, do I shoot him if he comes after mine? If I have a car that doesn’t have electronics, where will I buy gas – the pumps won’t work. Think about it – everything has electronics.

Do I huddle in the mountains with other survivalists somewhere to band together, pooling our resources? There is a whole “prepper” community in Central Florida. Is that living in fear or is that being wise like the ant? I am far from an alarmist but I do want to be wise.

Living alone as I do, it is hard for me to think how I could prepare myself.

Where do you go with all of this? I’d appreciate some feedback on this. Do you think about this issue? How do you think about it? It might be a valuable discussion to have.

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Good morning and Happy New Year!!

(And welcome to all of you who are newly following my blog – there is a whole new group as a result of a TV interview I did this week. Welcome!)

2014 has arrived. Did you make a resolution?

I’m not one to celebrate New Year’s Eve because 40 years ago my eldest daughter was born on New Year’s Day! And what can top that? Ever since I have spent New Year’s Eve preparing for her day – to make it extra special. My birthday is just before Christmas. I know what it is like to have it overlooked – getting the “two-for-one” presents. So I determined that would not happen to her. And even though we were celebration weary I tried to make it very special. However, this year her husband gave her a “get away” trip which she desperately needed. The other grandmother is taking care of the 4 kids. As a retired, teacher, can handle them!

Anyway, back to New Years’ resolutions. Everyone seems to make them: lose weight, get in shape, quit smoking, clean out the closets… But come January 31st, they seem to be forgotten! We shrug our shoulders, go on and don’t beat ourselves up over it. We don’t really take them seriously. We need accountability – someone to do it with us or check up on us.

Last year I joined a group from my church to read through the Bible. We didn’t check up on each other but we talked about what we were reading during the week or referred to our readings in conversation. With all my traveling, it was a challenge to keep up – believe me. But I did it!! And let me tell you, to read through Revelation at the close of the year is such a thrilling experience. Once again I was reminded that God is in charge. He will do what He says He will do. History is moving ultimately towards Him and His rule over all.

With all the mess in the world – wars, bitter cold, floods, typhoons, disease, financial uncertainty, declining morality, lowering standards, attacks on faith, loss, rejection…God is very much aware. The victory is assured. He sits on His throne in power and authority. He has not abandoned us. He is a mighty God. He is a loving God. That, my friends, is security.

As the title of one of my books says, fear not tomorrow God is already there! Now, that is good news for 2014!

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Now What?

The baby was born. “The angels had gone away from them into heaven…and the shepherds went back…” (The 3 wise mean were yet to come.) Now what? Life would never be the same…but what would it be like? The baby needed to be cared for by a very young and, inexperienced (maybe she had taken care of younger siblings) girl. People were milling about the town due to the census – it was still crowded – they had to register themselves! They needed to find better accommodations – the stable was good during the emergency last night but it was no long-term solution.

Last night was magical but life’s realities closed in on them quickly.

Has real life crashed in on you this morning? The bills arrived in the mail today. The house is a wreck. The refrigerator is beyond messy. The kids are back to quarreling. You and your spouse have fought… You are disappointed with what you received or didn’t receive… Or maybe the house is just as quiet and lonely today as it was yesterday. Nothing changed.

How did Mary and Joseph do it? obviously, an angel told them what was to happen but we aren’t told if he gave specific instructions or for how long it would be… There was uncertainty – a lot of it. But I think it might help if an angel told me something. I wouldn’t know because I haven’t had an angel show up recently! That is not the issue. The issue for them was settled months before when they believed the first angel’s words. They decided to trust God. Period.

And that is where we must place ourselves today… deciding to trust God for the now and the unknown. He says He will never leave us or forsake us – He walks into our unknowns with us. He promises to provide for us out of His own storehouse – maybe not as we envisioned or planned but He will do it faithfully. He promises us His peace when all else is in chaos – draw closer to Him by trusting, depending on Him. And when things don’t go as planned or you are left with many more questions, choose to praise Him anyway. Praise Him in the circumstance.How? Praise Him for who He is and what He has already done for you.

Merry Christmas!

May God bless each one.

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Phil Robertson

Well…I have resisted this because it seems everyone has something to say about it! But I have some thoughts about Phil Robertson so I will jump in!

Upfront I will tell you I have watched Duck Dynasty and it makes me laugh – there is not a whole lot on TV that can do that these days! However, recently the show has gotten a bit old – run its course.2013-03-13 09.51.13 Something is funny the first time, the second time but by the third time, it is getting tired! They have milked it for all it is worth. But when I just want to park my brain…

My concern before this latest brouhaha was that they were over marketed.

But let’s think about it…the show is about rednecks. They are proud of it. They market it that way. Jeff Foxworthy has made a killing with it and now the Robertsons. Good for them! Rednecks usually are good, decent, honest, God-fearing Americans. And they are opinionated. I have a few rednecks in my own family!

Whoever thought it would be a good idea to have Phil interviewed by GQ magazine? They are polar opposites. Phil is not a theologian, scholar, doctor or an expert on anything but duck calls and family. Certainly not an expert on fashion! Get serious people! His PR person should have advised him differently. Was his ego so big he thought he could pull it off? He is a smart man but he was thrown to the wolves who were salivating to sink their teeth in.

He was asked a question and he answered it like a redneck would. It was a bit crude, tasteless…But as far as he was quoting or paraphrasing St. Paul…that’s what the Bible says. They are not arguing with Phil Roberston but the Word of God. We may not like what it says but it is God’s Word and it is a hard word. But it is what it says. I don’t have to like it…I don’t have to understand it. But I trust what God says.

The press is attacking what God says and our Christian values under the guise of prejudice, phobia, crudeness…whatever. The attack is on the Word of God and the American right to voice an opinion which is guaranteed by our Constitution. They can attack Phil – in the grand scheme of things, he is just the latest target. He’s not the issue. But one day when you try to voice your opinion in your City Council or even your church but are silenced what then? Isn’t that what happened in Germany.

Folks wake up! We are loosing our freedoms. This is just the latest example.

I know this isn’t Christmasy…but life happens on the way to Bethlehem!

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Christmas Miracle in China

Christmas at my house, when I was growing up always seemed magical.

My grandmother had set the example for my mother who then made it that way for me and I, in turn did for my children. And they now do for my grandchildren. Traditions held and hold a lot of weight in my home.

My grandmother worked diligently to give her family a wonder-filled Christmas even though they were far from home serving as missionaries in China. At that time China was infested with war-lords, bandits and paganism. It did not foster a “Merry Christmas”. There were no stores or shopping malls. No Musak playing “Jingle Bell Rock” or Salvation Army bell ringers. However, that did not hinder her! She knew local folks who were good at crafting the things her imagination could invent.

One year my mother wanted baby doll eyeglasses. My mother’s heart was set on getting the baby doll eyeglasses from Santa. My grandmother was dismayed – that was something she could not have made in China (in those days!) My mother began to pray for those eyeglasses – so did my grandmother. She did not want my mother to be disappointed but this seemed like an impossible request. As Christmas drew nearer, my grandmother began to worry. My mother had her heart set on those baby doll eyeglasses.

Now in the scheme of things considering the work they were doing in China as medical missionaries, the needs they encountered on a daily basis, the crises that erupted weekly….this was not a “big” deal. You could say it was a “materialistic want” of a little girl on the backside of China. But my mother and grandmother did not see it that way. They continued to pray.

My grandparents believed that nothing was too small – or too big to bring before the Lord. They simply told God their need and trusted him to handle it His way. That’s the way they handled kidnappings, financial needs, health issues – everything. They prayed. Those missionary prayer meetings were powerful! As a child I can remember every Wednesday morning at my grandparents’ home the now-retired, missionaries would gather for prayer – on their knees – for what seemed like a long time to a young girl.

Back to my story, months earlier, my grandfather had sent a letter to the States requesting supplies for the hospital. A few days before Christmas a “drum” arrived from the States. Now a drum was just that – a very large barrel made out of metal – much like an oil drum. It was a convenient, cheap and safe way to ship things to China by boat that could take weeks, if not months. It was always a big occasion when one arrived. They never knew what it might contain but eagerly anticipated the much needed supplies.

As they opened the drum, they saw the necessities that had been requested. But on top, wrapped very carefully was a pair of baby doll eyeglasses!

God cares for us in the sweetest of ways and the smallest of details.

Have a wonder-filled Christmas!